It’s no secret that job earnings tend to increase with levels of education. In a competitive culture, it is almost required to have some type of formal post-high school training or education to earn a living wage. If you are not winning the lottery, inheriting a large sum of money, planning to marry a millionaire, or plan on becoming an entrepreneur, then you need to think about getting an education. Here are three ways earning an associate degree can change your future: 1. Make More Money! According to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s living wage calculator for Delaware County, PA , a working adult with one child needs to make $23.64 per hour or about $49,000 per year to support their family. The Bureau of Labor and Statistic’s Employment Projections show that with a high school diploma alone the median annual wage is around $37,000. This number jumps to $51,000 with an associate degree . 2 M...